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This is VERY helpful!

Thanks for the info!

Great first step to getting your site up and running!

This is going to be super helpful when we get together to do a Strategy Kick Off session.  We will be reaching out to you to set a time to get together.

In the meantime, let’s walk you through the process.  

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Strategy Kick Off

The best websites begin with a strategy.  To get your project kicked off, we will dive into where you are in your business, find out who your are and maybe more importantly, where you want to end up.

We will also want to understand who your ideal clients is and what are you doing to address their issues.

Then we will be ready to create a critical path to help acheive that.

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Content That Fascinates

Time to gather photo’s, copy and branding items that will fascinate your customers! Don’t have them? No problem. The Dudes and Dudettes will work with you to insure you are not lacking in this area.

Whether you are offering a product or a service, we don’t want to see you positioned as a solution…but as THE solution!

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Let the sprints begin!

This is where the constructon of your site actually happens.  Typically, we can turn this around in as little as 7-10 days.  We take your content, logo branding, preferred colors and photos to begin building a impressive website.

The result is you get a site that has people staying on the page, shows your company to be a leader and that ultimately increases your impact in a very short time from start to finish!

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Review and Revise

Once we have your site up (but not publically viewable yet), we will set a time to screen share each page.  Together, we will review and fine tune your site in real time.

In most cases, we get this done in one session.  By working with our team live, we remove any misunderstandings that can occur in a series of emails.  We find this collaborative method to be both efficient and stress free.

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It’s time to launch!

Come go live day, we will set up an hour long session so we can train you how to maintain the site yourself going forward (once the site is up, maintenance is easier than you think!)

Don’t want to handle the maintenace?  Talk to the Social Media Dudes about a maintenance plan.

You are ready.  Open the gates, it’s time to rejoice and let the world know you have something to share with them!

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Mainteance, Updates, and Support Services

The Social Media Dudes want to be your digital partner that you go to with all of your needs.  So, just because your site is up and running, we are not going away and leaving you on your on.

For one thing, we are going to provide 30 days of our email hyper care service free of charge.

Always want the Dudes monitoring or making the changes to your site?  No problem.  We can do everything from regular backups and updates to managing the insertion of your blog posts and other changes you want made.


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